Common Questions

When we are looking to buy something today, we don’t wait for a catalog or salesperson to knock on our door. We look online for information or ask friends for recommendations. We’ve become resentful of hard sales pitches and annoying ads that interrupt us. Succeeding in marketing today requires understanding your target client and building resources for them, like entertaining and informative content. The resources can range from videos to books to online training to podcasts to custom apps and beyond. We look at how you can become valuable to your target client, and building the infrastructure to support that.

For sure! We can answer your questions, help you decide between options, and help you understand what services you may already be paying for. Sometimes we work with clients only as consultants for a long period of time before it makes sense to work on other projects together.

This problem is one of the most common ones we hear. If this is you, you’re not alone! Because the digital world adapts and evolves quickly, it can be overwhelming to keep up with the methods for marketing and enhancing your website. That’s why you hire us to help.

Yes. Often that’s where we begin working with a client. If a website is dated or needs improvements, we access what’s working and iterate on the rest. 

Having a website isn’t useful, however, if it doesn’t tie into a comprehensive strategy. How will people come to your website? When they come, what are they looking for? How can it become simpler for them to find what they want? What happens after they come to your site? These answers inform the strategy.

We help with the big picture strategy to clarify the most receptive and effective people you want to reach, and what’s important to them. Then we design the digital assets for your social media, so your branding is consistent. Social media can be useful to form and foster relationships with trusted sources in your niche.

For ongoing social media management, if you have someone you already work with…fantastic! If not, we know a lot of great social media marketers we would be happy to put you in touch with.

SEO (search engine optimization) for Google and other search engines is an on-going process that can require a lot of time to build effectively. If your target client will be pro-actively searching Google to find your products or services, it makes sense to invest in this significantly. We don’t do on-going SEO, but we have trusted SEO consultants we can happily recommend.

If people are more likely to find you from a referral or another media source (e.g. a podcast, an event, etc.), we focus on creating a marketing strategy around that instead. 

Every engagement is different because every client is different. Some projects are built out in phases. Others are on-going for years.

That said, here are some of the elements that our service typically includes:

Website Design and Development: We design and build websites for many different platforms, from WordPress to SquareSpace to Shopify to Webflow or whatever makes the most sense for your business.

Content Strategy and Content Creation: We can help with editing and publishing your content for your website, your YouTube channel and/or email marketing.

What kind of results do you want to see? Some clients aim to show up in search engine results with their product. Others want to sell online training. Others want to book more speaking engagements. Others want to create a tool for their employees to use to run the business. It all depends on what your goal is. Then we can define what results actually look like.

We’ve been studying and creating content for clients in many different industries for many years. We have questions and strategies to work with you to generate ideas and turn them into great content.